The Really Important Stuff

22/03/2014 19:17 Australian Central Standard Time (South Australia)

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Die erste Zitrone von Silvester konnte am 15.09.2013 feierlich geerntet werden. Der Geschmack war einfach riesig! Ziemlich unsauer für eine Zitrone - wenn auch nicht gerade wirklich süß. Andi sagt: " Danke, Nora - für diese schöne Zitrone."

Anna celebrating our first barbie this year
Anna celebrating our first barbie this year
Let's start with some mystery bags
Let's start with some mystery bags

Fruehling wird's und die ersten Fruechtchen reifen.
Dieser schicke Zwitter wurde aus 3 Orangen und 2 Möhrchen kreiert.

It's quite hard to get rid of Windows. I tried these operating systems so far:
  • Dragonfly
  • FreeBSD
  • PC BSD
  • Pardus
  • Ubuntu
  • Kubuntu
  • LinuxMint based on Debian

Dragonfly and Pardus where so buggy, that the installation took hours. No fun with these; I threw them away immediately. Ubuntu works well, but it requires quite a few resources; nothing for a weak machine. Kubuntu on the other hand works well even on slow hardware. Max worked with it for a couple of weeks and he was very happy. Unfortunately I can't trust it. There is no information on the net about Ubuntu with respects to the Prism scandal. It may contain some backdoor, considering the Poms attitude to spying. So I tried LinuxMint based on Debian. This is really a good OS, it works fine even on Max old (and bloody slow) notebook and it is listed on the prism-break page. Not much to say about the different BSD's; these are just too basic nowadays.

Still feeling uncomfortable about being spied on? It's a big issue nowadays and there won't be a quick fix for it. However, the following link may be a good starting point: helps finding alternatives to software and vendors who are suspect. I'm definitely going to try some of the recommended packages there and I'll keep you updated.

That's Sylvester, our lemontree. We got it from Nora last summer and it had already a tiny fruit on it. This tiny fruit is almost ripe now and we'll harvest it soon. Stay tuned!
Its very first lemon
Its very first lemon
Cheers mate!
Cheers mate!

Im July war's wieder soweit: wir feiern unseren Jahrestag der Ankunft in Australien. Natuerlich ganz traditionell mit Weisswuerscht und dem einen oder anderen Weissbier.
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In Australien sind die "Christmaslights" ganz groß. So auch hier bei uns in Fairview Park. Eine Straße in unserer Nachbarschaft ist nahezu komplett geschmückt und alles blinkert und glitzert. Das hat zwar mit Weihnachten, wie wir es in Bayern kennen, nicht wirklch viel zu tun, ist aber auch schön. Vor allem die Kinder lieben es.
In diesem Sinne - Merry Christmas - wenn's mal wieder soweit ist.

Of course we speak English in Australia:

Sickie - day off sick - Blaumachen
Bludger - lazy person - Faulpelz
Flat out - busy
Offsider - assistant
King Dick - Obermotz
Stoked - pleased
Stuffed - tired
Compo - compensation
Smoko - coffee break
Hard yakka - hard work
Arvo - afternoon
Cuppa - a cup of tea or coffee
She'll be right - it will be OK
You bewdy - excellent
Cactus - broken - kaputt
Fair dinkum - true - etwas ernst meinen
Spit the dummy - get upset - sich aufregen,
                Beispiel: "you can't just always have a dummy-spit" - "Reg dich nicht immer so auf"
Give it a burl - try it
Knock - criticise
Bring a plate - of food to share
Mate's rate - discount for friends
No worries - everything's OK
Tee up - set up an appointment